

The Deacons of New Hope Full Gospel Baptist Church are responsible members of the church, who actively participate in weekly services and activities. Their primary objective is to support the work of the pastor and promote unity in the church by supporting the pastor, staff and church members, and supporting our church’s programs, mission, and vision. We serve assist the pastors and ministry in the following ways: Providing leadership as a “servant leaders’ and strengthen the pastor and ministries/committees of the Church by actively using their spiritual gifts in administration of kingdom advancement; Engaging in a lifestyle that advances spiritual maturity and demonstrating a life accepted by God and His church. We serve as spiritual leaders in our home as well as ministry. In cooperation with our pastor, we operate as a conduit of information to/from the congregation about matters pertaining to church functions.

Deacon Eli Waldon, Deacon Ardis Thomas, Deacon Lee Carter, and Deacon Burnell Jamerson*

*not pictured
Ministry Overseer: Deacon Eli Waldon
Eli Waldon
deacon group photo
NHFGBC GenZ Ministry is a group dedicated to those born between 1997 - 2012 who enjoy sharing life while studying and experiencing the word of God in action. We have a passion for growing in God's grace, and sharing the love of Christ. We experience this through bible study, community outreach, and fellowship.